Nancy Soethoudt Bristel, Head Coach et formatrice certifiée, Présidente Tout Terrain Lutry Lavaux

Personal background:
Like many of our members, I began running as a child. From the age of 11 years old, I began racing in popular 10kms. In high school I established records in the 800m, 1 mile and 2-mile distances – records which remained for over twenty years. At university I participated in the Northeast US National Championships in the one-mile distance.
An injury during training for the Boston marathon forced me to put aside competitive running for 20 years. I turned to rockclimbing and climbed (traditional, sport, ice) seriously for the next couple of decades throughout the US, Canada, Europe and beyond. It was in 2010 that I moved from Massachusetts to Lutry, Switzerland with my family and decided to join a local triathlon club, taking up swimming and cycling for the first time. With the support of my team, Tri Team Lutry
I obtained over the next ten years my triathlon objectives, earning podiums in sprint, Olympic and half Ironman distances and finishing four half and two full distance Ironman competitions. During this time, I also studied and became certified as a personal and group fitness instructor and an athletics coach.

The formation of Tout Terrain Lutry Lavaux:
Truly satisfied with my triathlon experiences, I found my next challenge in forming Tout Terrain Lutry Lavaux
I created TTLL in October 2020 after having coached young runners and finding the work increasingly interesting and rewarding. I wanted to form an association truly committed to the sport of running that also supports families and connects its members to the beautiful natural environment that is Lutry and the Lavaux.
As well as being a life-long runner, an experienced teacher, and a certified sports coach, I am also the mother of four active grown, and almost grown, children. They all grew up participating as a family passionate about outdoor sports. When we decided to form TTLL, they worked with me refining our team logo and website, communicating with members, and running with and training young TTLL athletes.
It’s been a huge but satisfying project to develop Tout Terrain Lutry Lavaux and to coach our growing team! This work has taught me the power of dedication. Our dedication, linked with the dedication of our athletes and their families, creates a team dedicated to its success! With TTLL, I give my motivation and experience to form and support a new generation of healthy, well trained and successful outdoor athletes. It is with great pleasure that I pass the baton to you.
Yves Favre, coach assistant

Ce que j’adore dans la course c’est le fait de constamment pouvoir repousser ses limites et de se battre avec/contre soi-même. Cela donne un grand sentiment de fierté car peu importe le résultat, on se sera toujours donner à fond! D’après moi il y a beaucoup à tirer de se sport dans la vie de tous les jours. J’ai beaucoup de plaisir à courir avec des jeunes car c’est avant tout un sport de partage et j’aime bien les pousser et les aider à donner le meilleur d’eux-même.
Lorsque j’avais 8 ans ma mère m’a inscrite au 4km pour le plaisir des 20KM de Lausanne. Alors que j’y venais avant tout pour le plaisir, j’ai terminé 4ème toutes catégories d’âge confondues. Pendant la course j’ai compris que j’adorais me donner à fond et repousser mes limites, ma passion pour la course à pied était née. Aujourd’hui je fait 5 entraînements par semaines, et j’ai toujours la même flamme qui m’habite et qui me pousse à toujours vouloir progresser. J’ai désormais 22 ans et ma distance de prédilection est le 10km. Je mets autours des 33 minutes pour courir cette distance et travaille dur pour abaisser cette marque.
Our Dedicated Administrators
Annika Burleson, Secretary. Master’s degree student in law, U of Lausanne (“UNIL”)
Behind the scenes it is Annika who keeps us on track with the substantial administration and organizational tasks that allows Tout Terrain to develop and maturing as a program. She is the dedicated behind-the- scenes volunteer of our association. We are fortunate to have her artistic talents guiding our development every step of the way.
Clemens Burleson, Treasurer. Business student U of St Gallen
Clemens took over as lead TTLL coaching assistant for several years, taking over the role of his older brother, Bram, who moved to Fribourg to study neuroscience in 2020. Today, Clemens continues to help coach when he is in Lutry, and he plays an important role in helping guide the business aspects of our sports association.